
Why social media is important in a Student's Life: written by a student

Students these days are constantly on their phones, probably not for studious reasons. Social media has become crucial in the lives of students. Why? The answer is actually quite simple.

It gives them unlimited ways to procrastinate their homework and studying. After all, nobody wants to do homework. Nobody wants to take tests. So why not avoid thinking about these things entirely? Social Media is a nice distraction from their responsibilities.

It also gives them the ability to cyber bully others anonymously or be bullied anonymously. That's exactly what every student wants! Drama at school just to come home and have it continue online.

We can't forget the fact that they can keep tabs on everyone they know also. They are out of the loop in their social life if they can't do this. Oh look, the girl that hates me is in New York! Oh look, my ex got a new girlfriend! Oh look, my friends are hanging out without me! This is a real self-esteem booster and is crucial to the lifestyle of any student today.

Also, everyone talks online nowadays. There's no longer a need for in person speaking skills, presentation skills, or the ability to relate to who you are talking to. Social media gives people the opportunity to let their social skills deteriorate which definitely won't impact them later in life.

In conclusion, social media is crucial to students because it provides them with great study skills, a wonderful support system, connections to everyone, and no social skills.

P.S. wasn't that well written? Imagine if I had to actually present it to you irl...ttyl ☺️


  1. Haha! Great job! I liked how you used sarcasm to highlight the satire of technology. I Each reason you gave is 100% accurate, yet, we still are obsessed with our devices despite the downsides.

  2. I absolutely loved your blog post Alexa! It was so funny, and I was intrigued the entire time just to see what sarcasm was to come next. I would most-definitely tend to agree with the moral and purpose of the text, that technology is deteriorating individuals' social skills, and a major cause of procrastination for students today.

  3. Great blog post! I really enjoyed your take on the correlation between social media and students’ relationship with procrastination. With so many different outlets, it’s no wonder procrastination is a growing epidemic!


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