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American School System

We have been going to school for hundreds of years. Over this period of time many new discoveries have been made. Society has advanced exponentially. Yet...when you analyze the American school system, it has stayed nearly stagnant. Sure, when technology became more prevalent we incorporated it into classrooms. But, fundamentally, the teaching styles in school systems have not changed. Take this image, for example. This is an American classroom 100 years ago compared to a classroom today. Nothing has changed. The same subjects are taught in school. The classroom setup has not changed. The same teaching styles are used. How are younger generations supposed to advance with society if they are stuck in a stagnant environment for 16 years of their lives? As society changes schooling systems need to change as well. School is meant to prepare students for going into the real world. are they supposed to be prepared for such an advanced society if schools do not change? We are tau...

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